POR Q ESTO ES LO Q SALE EN EL phbot [10:42:24] Login server error or the account does not exist
[10:42:24] Retrying in 5 seconds
[10:42:29] Connecting to the gateway server [loginsrl.com:15779]
[10:43:12] Auto Relog: Starting relog process
[10:43:12] Clientless: Retrying in 30 seconds
[10:43:42] Connecting to the gateway server [loginsrl.com:15779]
[10:42:24] Retrying in 5 seconds
[10:42:29] Connecting to the gateway server [loginsrl.com:15779]
[10:43:12] Auto Relog: Starting relog process
[10:43:12] Clientless: Retrying in 30 seconds
[10:43:42] Connecting to the gateway server [loginsrl.com:15779]